Since 1993

Gary Carr Communication

Throughout a 25+ year career in Communications, I’ve been fortunate enough to work with a wide range of organizations in a large number of industries: from health care and insurance, to resource industries, start-ups and more.


And while the issues vary from client to client, and the industries can often seem vastly different, the one constant I see is the need for an effective, structured approach to solving whatever communication challenge or challenges we may be facing.


Whether it’s encouraging employees to adopt new practices or raising awareness with potential customers about upcoming changes to programs, goods, or services, I approach the situation the same. Step one begins with research and analysis, discussing potential approaches with the client – and stakeholders if appropriate – before moving on to Step two.



Need a hand?

Drop me a line and let’s chat about what your communications challenges are and how I might be able to help. If I can’t help you, chances are I’ll be able to refer you to someone who can.