Past Projects

When people ask “what do you specialize in?” I’m never quite sure how to answer. Typically I tell them, “I’m a communications generalist” because of the wide variety of projects I’ve had the privilege of being involved in throughout my career.


Don’t believe me? Check out some of the past projects that I’ve worked on and completed, sorted either by the industry that the client works in or by the type of project it was. Want more specific info about any of these? Just drop me a line, I’m happy to help answer any questions you may have. Whether its employee communication, digital strategy and content, or just a burning communications question, I'm here to help.

Digital Strategy & Content

City of Coquitlam

When site traffic topped one million unique visits in 2010, the City of Coquitlam’s Communications leadership realized their web site was a vital touch-point for this rapidly growing municipality and in serious need of an upgrade. Working with a technology partner, I led a research process that included research such as:

  • Facilitating focus groups with Coquitlam residents and businesses
  • Drafting an electronic survey to be served up to all site visitors during a two-week period.
  • Analyzing site traffic to determine user behaviour patterns and explore trends
  • Reviewing a host of peer sites to determine best practices and compare Coquitlam’s offerings with similar Lower Mainland municipalities

Results launch new City site project

After I compiled the research results and a wide range of recommendations into a 100-page report, we presented the findings to municipal leaders. This helped support the City’s decision to revamp its public face to better meet the needs of a diverse and growing user base.

New site, new content approach

As part of an RFP-winning project team with my technology partner, we began designing and building the new site. As well as being involved in developing the Information Architecture, a key deliverable of mine was working with City Communications staff on a content migration strategy, dedicated to ensuring content on the new site would be updated, relevant and aligned with a new content approach. As part of this, I developed and delivered a web content preparation workshop for 30+ web content producers.

Westland Insurance 

This Surrey-based insurance company took a strong customer-oriented approach to meeting its growth targets by attracting new customers through a revamped web site. Working with a technology partner who provided guidance on optimizing SEO and built the back-end technology platform, my role was to:

  • Design the Information Architecture
  • Project manage as well as develop content for all of the site pages.
  • Write blog postings before the client took their process internal.

Together we helped Westland with a site that continues to drive new business to their offices and telecentre.

City of Coquitlam 

When site traffic topped one million unique visits in 2010, the City of Coquitlam’s Communications leadership realized their web site was a vital touch-point for this rapidly growing municipality and in serious need of an upgrade. Working with a technology partner, I led a research process that included research such as:

  • Facilitating focus groups with Coquitlam residents and businesses
  • Drafting an electronic survey to be served up to all site visitors during a two-week period.
  • Analyzing site traffic to determine user behaviour patterns and explore trends
  • Reviewing a host of peer sites to determine best practices and compare Coquitlam’s offerings with similar Lower Mainland municipalities

Results launch new City site project: After I compiled the research results and a wide range of recommendations into a 100-page report, we presented the findings to municipal leaders. This helped support the City’s decision to revamp its public face to better meet the needs of a diverse and growing user base.

New site, new content approach: As part of an RFP-winning project team with my technology partner, we began designing and building the new site. As well as being involved in developing the Information Architecture, a key deliverable of mine was working with City Communications staff on a content migration strategy, dedicated to ensuring content on the new site would be updated, relevant and aligned with a new content approach. As part of this, I developed and delivered a web content preparation workshop for 30+ web content producers.

City of Surrey 

Surrey Urban Screen

Located in Surrey, BC, Canada’s largest non-commercial outdoor urban screen is dedicated to displaying a large variety of beautiful digital and interactive art. I drafted content for a variety of pages on their web site, and worked closely with the City of Surrey’s Culture and Recreation staff to highlight this project and increase awareness around its installation.

Colin Griffinson Inc. 

This high-end painting and decorating firm has a 25-year history of premium quality and tailouring their work to each client’s unique tastes. However, they were looking to make inroads into marketing their services to key professionals in the industry. I developed a content voice for the new site, focusing on key interest areas identified while also integrating this content with a consumer-oriented portion of the site.

Cummins Western Canada 

As one of the world’s largest producers and distributors of diesel engines, generators and other components for heavy-duty vehicles, Cummins Western Canada continues to add to their product offerings. I’ve provided writing, editing and communications advice to this Western-Canada-based organization as it continues to grow.


Principally Speaking, Broker e-newsletter

Research and consultation with broker principals showed that this key audience group wasn’t well served by the existing communication channels. Working with ICBC staff, we mapped out a strategy to launch this innovative new subscription-only stakeholder communication.

ISCBC (Invasive Species Council of BC) 

This BC not-for-profit organization is involved in the tough and vital work of fighting the spread of dangerous and invasive species across the province, so it was understandable that their web site content had such a strong technical focus. Unfortunately, however, this made it rather challenging for this client’s readers to understand and comprehend the importance and significance of the company’s highly important work. I had the pleasure of working alongside the council’s communications team to revamp content across the entire site, simplifying and toning down the complex jargon in favour of new content much easier for the typical reader to comprehend.

Inland Group 

This large, Burnaby-based truck and heavy equipment dealer has operations spanning the entire west coast of North America. Their challenge was pulling information into a single location from multiple web sites and ensuring the message kept a consistent tone and voice. I developed draft content for both their Canadian and US sites, providing them with a consistent voice across their operations.

Klondike Cold Storage 

This Langley-based company found itself struggling in a highly competitive industry to raise awareness of its full range of available services. As they prepared to double their available storage space, I worked with them to establish an authentic corporate voice and tell the story of their customer-focused service.

MacKay & Associates 

As this highly successful provider of CEO peer forums across Canada continued to grow, they were looking to update their web site in order to reflect their professional image and growing stature within the marketplace. This North Shore based client and I worked together to achieve their ideal information architecture and web content.

Mardon Insurance 

Established in 1928, this successful insurance broker based on the Lower Mainland had a web site that seemed inflexible and out of date. I worked with client to develop content for the web site and ensure all services and offerings were clearly featured, bringing their web site up to speed.

Metro Vancouver 

Metro Vancouver has a challenging task communicating complex issues to the 2.5 million Lower Mainland residents it serves, in part because of the organization’s huge scope of responsibilities. Based on feedback from Lower Mainland residents and staff at member municipalities, the Metro Vancouver web team and I decided to review navigation and content for the entire site. Working with engineers and other subject experts, we streamlined the Information Architecture, reducing the overall page count by 30% and simplifying many of the technical aspects of the functions they perform, turning engineering mysteries into plain language.

Oasis Windows 

Over the past two years, this local window distributor has grown in leaps and bounds and now offers a wider range of products (including doors and skylights). With an audience that ranges from individuals looking for energy-efficient windows for a home renovation to multi-family home developers to commercial building owners or lessees, we’re taking a very deliberate approach to serving each audience in a unique way on the site. Site launch is expected in early 2017.

Ouest Business Solutions 

This rapidly growing company needed to define its approach to dealing with clients and potential clients as they’d been quite successful with very little formal marketing. The tone and approach we developed for the site became a foundation for their brand voice and further marketing work.

Radius Logistics 

This logistics company and supply chain based in Surrey was looking to beef up their small, existing bare-bones web site with a better, more vibrant online presence. I developed and established a theme, as well as content on their full range of customer-focused services for all their key audiences.

Sepro Mineral Systems 

This mining equipment and process solutions provider has a wide range of personas that they’ve identified as target audience members for a revamped site. We’ve developed content that meets the needs of the key personas, simplifying some of the content without “dumbing down” the technical information that certain clients are seeking.

TLD Computers 

As a long-term leader in Western Canadian information technology consulting landscape, TLD was in dire need of a site that reflected the full range of their services to potential clients. Working with their project and communications staff, we prepared an information-rich site that better meets user needs for detailed information and client solution examples for the company.


Despite being one of Canada’s leading electrical and electronic wire & cable distributors, Texcan sales staff consistently reported low customer awareness of their diverse range of products and services. Working with the Marketing Manager, we developed an approach to site content that fit the company’s ambitious growth efforts and emphasized the breadth of the company’s services, setting the foundation for future Texcan marketing.

The Foam Shop 

I’m currently working with this local supplier on a revamped site that will highlight their competitive advantage in the market – their depth of knowledge in DIY and custom foam solutions and ways to help potential customers make wise purchasing decisions when it comes to foam. Site launch is anticipated for early 2017.

Warranty Life 

While developing web content for the growing site of this rapidly up-and-coming Vancouver start-up company, I was sure to highlight their innovative service offerings available for both retailers and consumers.

Westland Insurance 

This Surrey-based insurance company took a strong customer-oriented approach to meeting its growth targets by attracting new customers through a revamped web site. Working with a technology partner who provided guidance on optimizing SEO and built the back-end technology platform, my role was to:

  • Design the Information Architecture
  • Project manage as well as develop content for all of the site pages.
  • Write blog postings before the client took their process internal.

Together we helped Westland with a site that continues to drive new business to their offices and telecentre.

Employee Communications


Employee portal redevelopment

The 1,200 employees who serve the 780,000 members of this automobile association struggled with an intranet that was unable to meet the communication and functional needs of the organization. Directing a project team of 12 representatives, I coordinated user research and 32 publishers to develop new design and content, a new info. architecture and a sharper focus on site strategy. Employee usage and satisfaction with the new tool increased significantly.


Employee portal redevelopment

The 1,200 employees who serve the 780,000 members of this automobile association struggled with an intranet that was unable to meet the communication and functional needs of the organization. Directing a project team of 12 representatives, I coordinated user research and 32 publishers to develop new design and content, a new info. architecture and a sharper focus on site strategy. Employee usage and satisfaction with the new tool increased significantly.

Cummins Western Canada 

As one of the world’s largest producers and distributors of diesel engines, generators and other components for heavy-duty vehicles, Cummins Western Canada continues to add to their product offerings. I’ve provided writing, editing and communications advice to this Western-Canada-based organization as it continues to grow.


Manager, Corporate Communication (April to December 2009)

Working with a department of four, we were responsible for communicating with E-Comm’s customers, employees, shareholders and the general public. Some of the highlights of my time there include:

  • Revamping to provide an updated look and design for the company in time for out-of-town visitors to the 2010 Winter Games
  • Conducting planning, development and initial migration for a Sharepoint-based extranet for the company’s Board of Directors
  • Coordinating a 10th anniversary involvement process to involve staff across the organization in celebrating corporate achievements over the company’s history
  • Working collaboratively with all departments on a communication and business continuity plan to prepare the company for an H1N1 influenza pandemic
  • Revamping the corporate video to better reflect the company’s responsibilities


Manager, Internal Communication (July 1995 to Nov. 2001)

As the manager responsible for various electronic communication channels for ICBC staff, I worked with my staff of five on projects such as:


  • Developing and maintaining a Managers’ Toolkit, a managers-only intranet site that served as a one-stop shop for ICBC managers.
  • Helping establish a corporate-wide intranet planning process and then co-authoring the company’s first-ever mission intranet vision and strategic plan.
  • Developing and migrating the award-winning monthly employee print newsletter, Contact, into an online publication.
  • Ongoing involvement in Media Relations and Issues Management functions that provided a broad understanding of key corporate issues such as Underwriting, Injury Management and Road Safety issues.


Proactive media relations work

Working closely with the media relations team to identify media-worthy opportunities was a major key in finding potential to showcase ICBC’s important messages around safe driving. Together we were able to identify a large number of ideas, events, and opportunities ideally suited for ICBC to promote vehicle safety and safe driving. I prepared media releases on a wide variety of topics and XXX…

Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) 

Working with Forwords Communications, I conducted focus groups and other research before preparing a communication plan designed to improve communication to targeted communities around key issues such as public health.

Weldwood Canada 

Helping this forest products company communicate with its employees was important to the senior management team. Working with the Manager, Communications I helped conduct research and interview corporate personnel to prepare numerous articles for Dialog, the employee newsletter. I also conducted an analysis of the company intranet, making recommendations for further site development.

Stakeholder Relations

Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH)

Community consultation process

With a mandate to increase public awareness and involvement throughout their region, VCH staff wanted to know the level of interest in proactive health-related communication in several of the region’s rural communities. Working with VCH staff, I coordinated and facilitated a number of focus groups before producing a report that eventually resulted in the creation of an electronic newsletter rather than a printed one.


Avenor Forest Products 

This Eastern-based forest products company needed a reliable set of “eyes and ears” here in BC. I developed and maintained a comprehensive Stakeholder and Media Binder for more than two years as well as worked with Avenor staff on a wide range of communication activities including a corporate AGM, newsletter articles and media releases.


Manager, Corporate Communication (April to December 2009)

Working with a department of four, we were responsible for communicating with E-Comm’s customers, employees, shareholders and the general public. Some of the highlights of my time there include:

  • Revamping to provide an updated look and design for the company in time for out-of-town visitors to the 2010 Winter Games
  • Conducting planning, development and initial migration for a Sharepoint-based extranet for the company’s Board of Directors
  • Coordinating a 10th anniversary involvement process to involve staff across the organization in celebrating corporate achievements over the company’s history
  • Working collaboratively with all departments on a communication and business continuity plan to prepare the company for an H1N1 influenza pandemic
  • Revamping the corporate video to better reflect the company’s responsibilities

MacMillan Bloedel 

Hosting environmental NGOs on a tour of your woodland operations can be a daunting task. I helped prepare orientation materials for this event, providing detailed, accurate information to tour participants.

Metro Vancouver 

West Nile Virus communication

As incidences of this high-profile virus spread across North America, there were grave concerns amongst municipal governments about how to communicate this issue to residents. I helped the GVRD convene a working group of municipal communicators to develop a strategy and common messaging to Lower Mainland residents.

Sea-to-Sky Highway Project 

Community Relations Manager

This high-profile project attracted considerable attention in its earliest stages as West Van. residents expressed concerns about vehicle- and construction-related issues: from blasting and late-night roadwork, to traffic management of heavy duty road machinery. Working with the Ministry of Transportation & Highways and the contractor – Kiewit – we managed the construction-related issues and implemented a community engagement strategy that made the decision-making process more transparent.

Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) 

Community consultation process

With a mandate to increase public awareness and involvement throughout their region, VCH staff wanted to know the level of interest in proactive health-related communication in several of the region’s rural communities. Working with VCH staff, I coordinated and facilitated a number of focus groups before producing a report that eventually resulted in the creation of an electronic newsletter rather than a printed one.

Regional Communication Leader

Working with the Sr. Leadership Team at VCH-Coastal, I’ve helped plan, direct and execute communications to employees around issues such as the Safety & Engagement survey, accreditation, etc. Externally, I’ve helped with a community meeting in Powell River and several media relations issues involving Coastal staff or facilities.

Westminster Savings Credit Union 

Newsletter work & Customer communication plan

Marketing & Education

Metro Vancouver

SmartSteps* and BuildSmart*

Formerly stand-alone sites, these two content-rich areas were overloaded with information, making it difficult for users to locate key items. Before this content was integrated into the Metro Vancouver site, I conducted focus groups with target users to determine which content users valued most and to identify obstacles to usability. Using this research, we revised the navigation and content for these areas, improving business user’s ability to locate key information around recycling and sustainable business practices.

* these sections have been revised significantly since my work was completed in 2006.

AeroInfo Systems 

This Boeing subsidiary has been successful in a marketing niche but was looking to diversify its client industries served as well as expanding the list of services provided. We made sure there were subtle ties to the Boeing brand but still established a unique tone and approach to their marketing and broadening their potential target markets.

Coast Capital Savings 

Tidelines newsletter

Partnering with Coast Capital’s creative team, I helped design an updated “people-focused” approach to dealing with educating readers on important financial issues. We used a combination of story-telling and guest submitted examples to engage and interest readers in common financial issues / situations that may typically be thought of as lifeless or monotonous.

Inland Group 

This large, Burnaby-based truck and heavy equipment dealer has operations spanning the entire west coast of North America. Their challenge was pulling information into a single location from multiple web sites and ensuring the message kept a consistent tone and voice. I developed draft content for both their Canadian and US sites, providing them with a consistent voice across their operations.

Klondike Cold Storage 

This Langley-based company found itself struggling in a highly competitive industry to raise awareness of its full range of available services. As they prepared to double their available storage space, I worked with them to establish an authentic corporate voice and tell the story of their customer-focused service.

Mardon Insurance 

Established in 1928, this successful insurance broker based on the Lower Mainland had a web site that seemed inflexible and out of date. I worked with client to develop content for the web site and ensure all services and offerings were clearly featured, bringing their web site up to speed.

Metro Vancouver 

SmartSteps* and BuildSmart*

Formerly stand-alone sites, these two content-rich areas were overloaded with information, making it difficult for users to locate key items. Before this content was integrated into the Metro Vancouver site, I conducted focus groups with target users to determine which content users valued most and to identify obstacles to usability. Using this research, we revised the navigation and content for these areas, improving business user’s ability to locate key information around recycling and sustainable business practices.

* these sections have been revised significantly since my work was completed in 2006.

Mirage Screen Systems 

This Surrey-based retractable screen company was looking to establish a more active and vibrant web presence online. I worked with the marketing manager to develop an effective editorial schedule for blog posts, and I drafted content for numerous web pages, as well as many blog posts.

Oasis Windows 

Over the past two years, this local window distributor has grown in leaps and bounds and now offers a wider range of products (including doors and skylights). With an audience that ranges from individuals looking for energy-efficient windows for a home renovation to multi-family home developers to commercial building owners or lessees, we’re taking a very deliberate approach to serving each audience in a unique way on the site. Site launch is expected in early 2017.

Sepro Mineral Systems 

This mining equipment and process solutions provider has a wide range of personas that they’ve identified as target audience members for a revamped site. We’ve developed content that meets the needs of the key personas, simplifying some of the content without “dumbing down” the technical information that certain clients are seeking.


Despite being one of Canada’s leading electrical and electronic wire & cable distributors, Texcan sales staff consistently reported low customer awareness of their diverse range of products and services. Working with the Marketing Manager, we developed an approach to site content that fit the company’s ambitious growth efforts and emphasized the breadth of the company’s services, setting the foundation for future Texcan marketing.

The Foam Shop 

I’m currently working with this local supplier on a revamped site that will highlight their competitive advantage in the market – their depth of knowledge in DIY and custom foam solutions and ways to help potential customers make wise purchasing decisions when it comes to foam. Site launch is anticipated for late 2016/early 2017.

Westland Insurance 

This Surrey-based insurance company took a strong customer-oriented approach to meeting its growth targets by attracting new customers through a revamped web site. Working with a technology partner who provided guidance on optimizing SEO and built the back-end technology platform, my role was to:


  • Design the Information Architecture
  • Project manage as well as develop content for all of the site pages.
  • Write blog postings before the client took their process internal.


Together we helped Westland with a site that continues to drive new business to their offices and telecentre.

Westminster Savings Credit Union 

Newsletter work & Customer communication plan

Communication Audits

Cowichan Valley Regional District

